Choir conductor

Matti Makkonen graduated as a teacher of cello, solfège and theory of music from Kuopio Conservatory. He has also studied musicology at the University of Jyväskylä and attended advanced courses in choir and orchestra conducting with Rita Varonen and Jorma Panula at the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences.

Matti Makkonen on työskennellyt  as CEO of Nova Records Oy,  as executive director of Savonlinna Music Academy, Etelä-Savo regional artist, teacher at Kuopio and Keski-Suomen konservatorio’s and Savonlinnan Music Academy and art highschool and as composer, arranger, conductor and producer. He has conducted youth choir at Kuopio konservatoire, chamber choir Harmonia at kuopio and  Savonlinna taidelukio choir.

Matti Makkonen has performed as a cellist and conductor not only in Finland but also throughout Europe and Japan. Makkonen has composed for example. vocal, chamber and stage music and is the artistic director of the Pielinen Soi Festival celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2017.

1969 - 1970

Erkki Muukkonen

1970 - 1971

Kalevi Lahtinen

1971 - 1972

Erkki Muukkonen

1972 - 1973

Raimo Saari

1973 - 1980

Kyösti Haatanen

1980 - 1981

Hideaki Komiya

1981 - 1987

Kari Ahonen

1988 - 1989

Kari Tuunanen

1989 - 1999

Olli Tuunanen

1999 - 2000

Lea Hakola

2000 - 2002

Kari Tuunanen

2002 - 2015

Olli Tuunanen

2015 - 2016

Mikko Sairanen

2017 -

Matti Makkonen